Simple ways to support your child's education

What can I do to help my child succeed at school?

  1. Talk daily about what they did at school. Ask open questions rather than closed ones. Open: included explanation, no right/wrong answer. Closed: can be answered with a yes/no, one word, or has a right/wrong answer.

  2. Focus on what is going well. This helps your child maintain positive associations with school.

  3. Check online forums such as grade postings, teacher websites, or other communications from your child’s teachers.

  4. If possible, stay involved. Your child seeing you at school or in contact with school shows them you find it important. It also is the best way to gain insights, spark conversations, and for your child’s teachers to get a deeper understanding of who your child is.

  5. Avoid negative comments about your own education or learning.

  6. Get ready together in the morning to help with readiness for the day.

Father eating breakfast with son, working on computer